Sunday, June 5, 2011

Notes from the Silence

I had considered whether to write a book on spiritual subjects, not because I am terribly qualified to do that, but because I felt it was desperately needed. We are at the most technologically advanced state of humanity ever, and in some ways we can even claim some moral advancements over previous centuries. At the same time though, we are living in a sort of spiritual desert. Soul has no place in the world. Modern society is divorced from the sacred, because the sacred is the proverbial square peg. It doesn't play nice and assume its place in our businesslike practical scheme of things, because it is the actual scheme of things. We try to make it fit, but what fits is only an empty shell. We can see this in our religious rituals, which have become so dead in many cases.

Part of the problem of course is that God Itself is so notoriously evasive. ;) I say "It" because God as He/It is in Itself is unknowable, so using a human personal pronoun might be a bit parochial. Anyway, God is notoriously slippery. This is not because God wants to confuse us, it is implicit in the nature of God. A God that fits neatly into one of our pigeonholes would not be God.

Anyway, I decided that the very act of writing such a book was in conflict with what I was writing the book about. For one, being an author is a egocentric sort of thing really. Since a self-focus is one of the things that holds us back, that probably wouldn't be so good. Secondly, as the title of this blog suggests, God is not found in words.

And yet, being altogether mute doesn't feel right either. I figured the more informal and conversational style of a blog might be a tad better than a book, plus it appeals to my general lack of organization. Books have outlines, whereas blogs have... whatever you feel like talking about at that moment. :) Which is what I would rather do.

But I must of necessity not so much talk about God, as dance around God. I actually thought about entitling this blog "Dances with God." ;) Because words can take you a little way, and that little way is important to travel. Beyond that are words that human beings cannot speak. So there is the Silence, and my little notes dancing around the silence, but the notes cannot go in. They only dance on the periphery. They mark off time in the presence of the Timeless.

So, these are the notes from the Silence.