Tuesday, June 28, 2011


You may notice that I don't have comments enabled on my blog. That is not because I don't want to hear from my real readers, my proper readers, I think that would be lovely. Unfortunately, since my real readers are a miniscule minority of the human population, I think that my comments are unlikely to be used for that purpose, so I have turned them off.

I thought I sort of covered this in a previous blog post, but maybe not, so I am going to clarify. I am not interested in debating anyone or converting anyone to my point of view. And unless you are one of that miniscule minority, I am frankly not interested in what you have to say about what I write. I have heard those words my whole life. It speaks with many voices, but always says the same thing. I hear its droning all day long.

Would that there were someone who would speak to me with other voices, I would cherish that. But since there is not, I will be that other voice for you, my real reader.

Consider me a book on your bookshelf. If you want to read the book, you pick it up and read it. If you don't want to read it, it stays on the shelf, or in the trash bin. You don't argue with the book, you read it or not. Debate is overrated.

The difference between this blog and a book is, book publishers have to publish books that they believe will be read by enough people to cover the costs of publication and give them a profit. In my case, if only one person believes that what I wrote here has value to them, that is sufficient reason for me to continue writing it. I am writing it for you, that one person, or two. For everyone else, I can almost guarantee that they won't like what I am writing, because it was not written for them. I don't say they need to hear what I am saying, it is their choice to make. As it is my choice not to bother to debate them.